A. Background

There are new appreciations in teaching and learning styles. The students often have the unique in learning styles, for example: making pictures and sentences in brochures and pamphlets. This particular community comes to classes and effort to have some perceptions on how to encourage the different individuals in be come familiar for teaching styles and presented the materials.

It is commonly happened to every body that certain educational levels should be familiar to the different students; it means that the students who come from different background. For example, social background, economic, level of competence, interests. These phenomena emerges the teacher’s brain and as the basic consideration on how she must spend her time and powers to understand these differences and try hard to recognize the substance of phenomena of this complexity life.

However, some insights of individual differences apply to make an intelligent carrier choice. Because of students learn in such different ways and differ so much in what they already know and need to learn. The teacher’s role needs to give only sketchy guidelines here, because it is understandable that the teacher carrier is to share her vicarious experiences under regular guiding by reflection have the real encounter of the harmonious society.

Regarding the communication process, especially oral communication in which Tarigan Hendry Guntur (1986: 8) in his book “Menulis sebagai suatu keterampilan berbahasa “, (writing as a language skills / called as direct communication is done verbally from the communicator to his partner (interlocutor) in a two –way intercourse.

Furthermore, the teacher of language classroom efforts to pay much attention to the student’s capability in speaking the target language in contrary, previously the student in the language classroom are emphasized on the acquisition of linguistic structures or vocabularies, and as a result, the students may know the rules of language usage that will be unable to use the language (Diana Larsen, 1983: 124).

Fortunately, nowadays the students are challenged and rewarded to cope the sufficient knowledge for the sake of their ability in speaking in target language. Means that, they are challenged to speak English fluently, for example; when the students could express his desires, ideas, thought or willingness by using the target language. So all at once he may easily learn the listening, reading and writing skills accordingly. Secondly, they felt rewarded when they understood that by mastering the English orally they might get pleasant and intelligent carrier choices beyond the complex and the modern society.

To cove the students who have the definite capability, specifically, in speaking the target language. The teacher in the language classrooms tries hard to involve themselves, the students and all of their resource mentally and physically gain interest in learning the target language. For one common thing, an imaginative and creative professional teacher stimulates the students’ interest with various kinds of vicarious experiences “learning by doing”, for example by asking the students to have field trip, camping, recreation, picnic etc. Another, presenting the materials with miscellaneous interesting and fascinating strategies, approaches and techniques in teaching introduces the students with worth while or powerful media such as television, radio, videos, tape recorder or OHP (over head projector) and even, easy, -made-media for the schools which cannot effort to pay, because they are unreasonable in finance (Sadiman et al 1986 :8).

Brochures and pamphlets are two types of media which can be easily obtained whenever or wherever in the market, even on the trees along the road, on the walls and in any instance which familiar to public relation and advertising or promotion center.

Starting from those above phenomena the writer in this particular writing intends to investigate the effectiveness of brochures and pamphlets as a media of teaching used to encourage the students motivation in oral presentation of the second semester students of Aliyah Selaparang Kediri .

  1. Statement of A Problem

This recent investigation is aimed at finding out the answer of the following question:

“Is the use of Brochures and Pamphlets effective in teaching Speaking?

  1. The Purpose of The Study

The general purpose of this investigation is to find out some possible language instructional media applicable for language teacher. especially, this simple investigation is aimed at finding out the effectiveness of brochures and pamphlets in teaching speaking students.

  1. The Assumptions of The Study

The research conducted is based on the following assumptions, that:

1. The populations of this study have approximately similar experiences in learning English.

2. Brochures and pamphlets are applicable media in teaching oral presentation (speaking) of Aliyah Selaparang Kediri

3. The instrument of data collection and data analysis is considered valid enough to get the data needed.

  1. The Significance of The Study

Hopefully, the research would be of some uses to:

1. Encourage the application of visual aids as an easy made media for language instructions.

2. Encourage the use of brochures and pamphlets for language teaching and learning, whether for speaking activities or in introducing other language skills.

3. Give a considerable suggestion to language teacher to create one easy made - media and possible applicable visual medium for language instruction.

4. Give some beneficial information for further investigation.

  1. Scope of Study

The scope of this investigation to be discussed in this writing is limited to the following points:

1. The study is limited to the effectiveness of brochures and pamphlets in teaching speaking students at Aliyah Selaparang Kediri.

2. This investigation administered at the second year of Aliyah Selaparang Kediri in Academic year 2003/2004.

  1. The Hypothesis of The Study

This investigation hypothesis are stated which sound that :

“Brochures and Pamphlets are effective in teaching Speaking “.

For the sake of statistical computations, the alternate hypothesis (ha) Above needs to be changed into null hypothesis(Ho). Which reads:

“ Brochures and pamphlets are not effective toward teaching speaking “.

  1. The Definition of key Terms

To avoid possible misunderstanding and misinterpretation about the variables are involved in this particular present study, the following definition are put for words :

1. Brochures and Pamphlets

1. Brochures

“Brochures is a small thin book (Booklet, pamphlets) especially one giving instructions or details of a service offered, from money, holiday brochures .

2. Pamphlets

“Pamphlets is a small book with paper covers which deals usually with some matters of public interest”, (Long man Dictionary 0f Contemporary English).

3. Speaking / Teaching Speaking Students

The term “Speaking” itself refers “to utter words with ordinary speech, modulation, talk “or” to express one self engage in discussion, converse, talk, to recognize another, be on good term” (Mories at al 1966:454). Conversely, this variable denotes to process of transferring knowledge of converse and how to express one idea, thought, desires and willingness into good pattern and ordinary speech used to talk or recognize another by the English teacher or Aliyah Selaparang Kediri to the students under to guidance of brochures and pamphlets media.

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